Marcel Cremer | Tech, Digitalisation and Entrepreneurship
May 17, 2019

πŸ‡ A simple tip to improve angulars compilation speed

Posted on May 17, 2019
3 minutes  • 477 words

Do you have a large angular application that takes too long to compile / serve / compile tests? This little thing helped me:

Increasing the node process memory

By default, a node process can take up to 1,76GB of RAM. This is by original design of Javascript, where the assumption was, that a single thread (which node has) will not exceed a total of 2GB RAM.

However, things got a bit more complex the last few years, because JavaScript frameworks evolved and allowed to compose different libraries to a framework or in our case - the angular compile mechanism.

And if your compilation process reaches this limit, the node garbage collector will start alternating with the compilation process, freeing up just enough space so that the next piece of work can be executed by ngc.

If you’re like me, you might think: Why the hell should ngc ever exceed this limit?!?

The short answer is: Because it does many things for you πŸ˜ƒ

Okay, to be a bit more specific:

So how do we get rid of that “free memory / do a bit more work / free memory”-cycle?

Increasing the node memory limit with max_old_space_size

Node has a simple flag to change the maximum RAM consumption before the garbage collector will start to agressively free up memory. You can use it like

node --max_old_space_size=size in MB

As I have 24GB of RAM in my machine, I don’t have any problem to assign 8 GB to the node process. But I also don’t want to lose the comfort of the ng cli, so how to automatically assign the parameter to ng commands?

The solution is simple, but maybe not too obvious:

We call the ng cli directly out of the node*modules folder using a node script. I called this variant “nghm” *(for ng high memory)_ and built it like this:

"nghm": "node --max_old_space_size=8096 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng"

Having this script in mind, we can transform “ng serve” into

npm run nghm -- serve

which will now consume up to 8GB RAM. A production build could look like

npm run nghm -- build --prod --progress=false --aot=true --vendor-chunk

And the Numbers?

Well, that might depend from project to project, but in my project this particular change has reduced the compilation time from ~3:26min to ~1:36min (I picked 2 times from our CI system, that are pretty average - no science hereπŸ˜‰).

It might be influenced by how large your assets are, how many files are compiled and so on, but if you struggle with long compilation times, just give it a try.

Originally published at

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