Marcel Cremer | Tech, Digitalisation and Entrepreneurship

The DRY Principle (Don't repeat yourself)

Posted on September 26, 2023
2 minutes  • 277 words  • Other languages:  Deutsch

DRY, short for “Don’t Repeat Yourself,” is a fundamental principle in software development that encourages the avoidance of redundant code and promotes code reusability. The DRY principle emphasizes the importance of writing code in a way that each piece of knowledge or functionality is represented in a single, unambiguous place within the software system.

Key Concepts

Code Duplication

DRY highlights the negative consequences of duplicating code within a software project. When code is repeated in multiple places, it becomes challenging to maintain, update, and debug. It also increases the likelihood of introducing errors or inconsistencies.

Single Source of Truth

DRY promotes the idea that there should be a single, authoritative source for every piece of knowledge or functionality within a codebase. This means that if a specific piece of information or logic needs to change, it should only require modifications in one place.

Code Reusability

DRY encourages developers to encapsulate common functionalities into reusable components, functions, or modules. By doing so, developers can minimize redundancy and make their codebase more efficient and easier to maintain.

Benefits of DRY


DRY code is easier to maintain because changes and updates only need to be applied in one place. This reduces the risk of introducing inconsistencies or errors when making modifications.


DRY code is often more readable and understandable since it avoids unnecessary repetition. Developers can focus on the core logic and avoid reading through duplicated code.


By reusing code and avoiding redundancy, DRY code tends to be more efficient in terms of execution speed and resource usage.


DRY code promotes consistency by ensuring that the same functionality or data is consistently applied throughout the application.

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